What to Include in Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Wedding Day Emergency Kit

What to Include in Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit

When it comes to your wedding day, it’s better to be safe than sorry. While we can’t predict a mishap, blunders, and accidents can happen on your special day, so it’s always best to be prepared. Putting together a wedding day emergency kit is an essential task that should not be overlooked during the planning stages. An emergency kit is necessary to help you tackle any problems that you might experience on your wedding day and can help give you peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for the unexpected.

Knowing what to pack in your wedding day emergency kit is crucial since you don’t want to overlook any details. While determining what will go into the kit is a personal choice, there are some must-have items that need to be included in your wedding day emergency kit.

What Should I Pack in My Wedding Day Emergency Kit?

Sewing Kit– Minor rips, tears, and lost buttons can happen, but you don’t want them to occur on your wedding day. This is why having a sewing kit available is crucial. Just make sure you include spools of thread that match what you and the wedding party are wearing.

Makeup– Makeup blunders can happen, especially if you are getting married during the summer or are prone to happy tears. Makeup can shift or run throughout the day, so make sure you include vital products in your wedding day emergency kit so you can continue to be photo ready on your special day.

Dress Weights– Dress weights are crucial if you are getting married outside. You never know how the wind will be that day, so it’s best to be prepared. Dress weights will help prevent wardrobe mishaps if the wind gets heavy and “uplifting” on your wedding day.

Extra Jewelry– Maybe your earrings are too heavy to wear throughout the day, or someone forgets a piece of jewelry. Earring backs can also be easy to lose and misplace, so having extra jewelry and earring backs on hand is always wise.

Hair Styling Products– You will want to look your best on your wedding day, and you want the same for the wedding party, and just like makeup, mishaps can happen with hair. So be sure to pack a hairbrush or comb, bobby pins, styling products (i.e., Hairspray and gel), and hair ties.

Some other essential items and toiletries are also important to include, and the list is long. To help you think of everything, check out this helpful checklist.

 Fashion tape
 Dryer sheets
 Tide to Go Pens
 Shoe inserts
 Lint roller
 Steamer/iron
 Contact lenses/solution
 Sunscreen
 Bug spray
 Glasses
 Eye drops
 Gum
 Breath mints
 Tweezers
 Toothpicks
 Toothbrush and toothpaste
 Mouthwash
 Lotion
 Lip balm
 Deodorant spray
 Q-tips
 Safety pins
 Nail polish and remover
 Tampons/pads
 Tissues
 Allergy/pain medication
 Epinephrine
 Pepto Bismol
 Deodorant
 Perfume/cologne
 First aid products (i.e., band-aids, rubbing alcohol, etc.)
 Hand sanitizer
 Wedding party contact list
 Wedding day timeline
 Lighters
 Batteries
 Chargers
 Surge protector/extension cord
 Pen/paper